pg电子游戏试玩及其合作伙伴, 海因兹社区学院-尤蒂卡校区, Natchez-Adams, 克莱本郡, 杰佛逊县, 南部三角洲, Vicksburg-Warren, 和威尔金森县学区, 提出了 勇敢地教STEM 项目作为 Track 1: 的 Robert Noyce Teacher 奖学金 and Stipends to attract and support high achieving mathematics and science majors into a pathway to becoming a K-12 math or science teacher in a targeted high-needs school district. A total of 36 scholarships will be awarded to juniors and seniors majoring in biology, 化学, 物理, 或数学. Each scholar will receive up to $10,000 per year to support tuition and expenses. 的目标 勇敢点,教STEM, follows the purpose of the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program to ensure that talented STEM majors become K-12 mathematics and science teachers. 1) By 2024, recruit and select 36 scholars (three cohorts of 12) who are majoring in math and science with high achievements and ability who might otherwise not have considered a career in K-12 teaching. 2) By 2024, build and offer strong support systems to ensure that the 36 scholars pass teacher licensure exams and complete the teacher education courses to become a science 或数学 teacher in a high-need school district. 3) By 2024, provide effective transition (induction) programs and services to the 36 scholars who become novice teachers during their first few years of teaching. 的 勇敢地教STEM project consists of four components: 1) 市场营销, Recruiting and Selection; 2) Pre-Noyce Scholars Support; 3) Noyce Pre-Service Teacher-Scholars Support, 4)新手教师支持.